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Woot Woot! Thanks for being here. I'm setting up my first bio-cube salt. My first dilemma, where to put it? I wanna see it at all times, yet the only place for that is my living room which has all eastern windows. Therefore I get a lot of day light. Seeing the back of the tank is already blacked out, would blacking out the sides also protect it more for the daylight?

Captive Aquatics

Why would you want to "protect" it from sunlight? Sunlight is so infinitely superior to artificial light, it's unreal! :) I advised Greg to place his aquarium in a corner with a south and east facing window, although his aquarium is fish only. For corals/other photosynthetic inverts, nothing beats natural nature's sunlight.

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I don't know the reasons why you should find a well lit area. I just know that you *should*. It's one of those things that I learned very early. I can't explain it, but my heart just goes all a-flutter when I see a well-lit nook that would be just *perfect* for a nano.

In time you will also learn this as many have before you. And in time you will also look at well lit areas of a perfect stranger's house and think to youserlf: "That would be a *perfect* place to put a tank."

You will get strange looks, because you will say this outloud, but you won't care. Such is the aquatic cycle. I welcome you!

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