Aqua Illumination's Vega + Powerpuck customization shows the most promise for LED fixtures that we've seen in, well, at least a year if not two, and possibly ever. The fact that they're offering multiple diodes, a drag-n-drop configuation (with a spectrograph!) makes this fixture possibly the only fixture we'd spend money on. Interchangeable, customizable LEDs? Yes please! Kudos to AI for what is sure to be a stellar LED light. We can't wait for the release!
From AI's website:
"Continuing the industry-shaping trend started five years ago with the release of our original AquaIllumination LED Module, we are pleased to announce the AI Vega- controlled by our adaptive AI Power Puck, the pinnacle of our engineering efforts.
The AI Power Puck provides nearly limitless color combinations, allowing custom configuration of each individual Power Pucks as desired.
As you customize and change the location of your Power Puck, its adaptive capabilities intelligently tells our proprietary control system the location and type of each LED. This allows each color to have independent control regardless of quantity or position within a module.
The AI Vega will begin shipping this summer in our traditional silver/white as well as the popular black housing color combination. We will offer two standard Vega LED combinations: cool white, royal blue, and blue; as well as cool white, royal blue, blue, green, and deep red for those that would like a warmer color combination. Custom Power Pucks may be purchased through our Color Configuration tool."
Simply brilliant, and definitely a step above the plethora of "me too" LED fixtures that unfortunately continue to inundate the market. While dimming and color shifting is bad, customization of a spectral profile with that many emitter options is good! C'mon release!