A new bill with all of the internet-breaking features of SOPA plus the complete removal of privacy from the internet. If you took steps to ensure privacy on the internet...you'd be breaking the law if CISPA passes. Spread the word and stop CISPA now!
How bad is it? It's bad: "Under Rep. Mike Rogers’ Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 (CISPA),and Sen. John McCain’s SECURE IT Act, there are almost no restrictions on what information can be spied upon and how it can be used. That means a company like Google, Facebook, Twitter, or AT&T could intercept your emails and text messages, send copies to one another and to the government, and modify those communications or prevent them from reaching their destination if it fits into their plan to stop “cybersecurity” threats."
It's simple to send a letter to your representative using this site: Electronic Frontier Foundation