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Saving fish can be good idea but if your local store aware of the fish/corals/invertebrates requirements and aware of water quality there is no need to "save" fish. unfortunately those stores are rare.


one more thing...
What is your recommendation if there is no relible store around but you "have" to buy fish/coral?

Merritt Adkins

Great question!

I recommend finding out when these pet stores get their shipments and purchase corals/fish before they even open the bags. This prevents them from suffering in the pet store or obtaining any diseases from the store's systems. It is a great way to purchase healthy fish in a not so healthy store. :-)

Merritt Adkins

Or my favorite method is to purchase from online stores. I love to shop through the what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSISWG) sections and to check out any rare fish they happen to have. Usually you find better customer service and healthier fish/corals! :-)

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