Neon tetras are possibly as popular as the beloved goldfish in the freshwater aquarium hobby. Many first time hobbyist purchase these colorful fish in hopes of adding color and movement to their aquariums. But, for many disappointed hobbyist these fish end up being flushed with weeks of being added to the aquarium. Why can't anyone keep these fish alive? Well, hopefully I can shed some light on the care and maintenance of neon tetras.
Neon tetras are not hard to keep fish if you know certain aspects of their care. Neon tetras should be purchased in numbers of five or more (they actually do best in a school of 10!). This is due to the fact that neon tetras are schooling fish and need others of their species in an aquarium. Purchasing fewer can cause stress among the group and eventually lead to death.
Also, a longer acclimation time should be used for neon tetras. Normally, other species of fish can be acclimated in 15 minutes but for neon tetras this time should be increased to at least 30 minutes.
Don't house neon tetras with aggressive fish. Aggressive species include angelfish, barbs, bala sharks and any cichlids. Even larger tetras, like black skirt tetras, can stress out these little guys!
Neon tetras need room! You can't put large schools in tanks smaller than 15 gallons, so beware! I have heard from many beginners that their "school" of two neon tetras keep dying in their 2.5 gallon tank. Space is required for neon tetras to prosper, just like any other fish.
And lastly, make sure water parameters are in perfect condition. The slightest trace of ammonia will cause neon tetras stress and eventually death. These fish require amazing water quality so I would not recommend housing them with goldfish or any other messy fish.
Now that I have spotlighted the care of neon tetras, you can have a better chance at keeping them in your home aquarium.
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