The Cryptic Six Line, also known as Pink Streaked Wrasse, is often bypassed and unheard of by many. Both names do not suit Pseudocheilinops ataenia. The wrasse actually has eight lines and the streaks are a bright orange-yellow. The eyes of these fishes are bright. They glow neon orange. They are commonly mislabeled as Pteragogus cryptus, but do not resemble the Pteragogus genus. The confusion continues today as some dealers continue to lable them Pteragogus cryptus.
I have only seen these wrasses four times at my local fish stores in the 10 years I have been in the hobby. Though they are not extremely rare, they are uncommon. The second time around, I quickly jumped to purchase one of the wrasses to replace a Six Line Wrasse I became quickly annoyed with.
The more common Six Line Wrasse is known to be aggressive and bullies its tank mates. The Cryptic Six Line is not the slightest bit aggressive. It is very shy but will eventually venture out normally as it gains courage. Cryptic Six Lines easily accept most foods. Within the first hour, my very own was eating pellets. They eat almost the same things as the common Six Line.
For those looking for a small wrasse, Cryptic Six Lines are a great choice. They would be perfect for nano-hobbyists and would even do great in large aquariums.
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